Monday, November 30, 2009

The fun of Charity!!!

There are so many ways to help those in need during the Christmas season. Some of my favorites are sponsored by our church, and the salvation army. First and foremost, I also give to the salvation army person volunteering their time to ring the bell in front of various shopping areas. A dollar here and there really helps out! We also typically choose a young child off of the Angel tree at church. This year; however, we chose an elderly lady that simply asked for a pair of cloves, placemats, and some stockings. I felt so humbled by her requests that I put in a few extra things! Just today I spent a wopping $40 on a stocking that will go to a teenage girl that lives at one of the salvation army shelters here in Alabama! Lastly, I am organizing the gift giving for three single mom's that are having trouble this Christmas season. So there is plenty of giving this year, but a little less effort is going in to those gifts for family and friends (sorry LaDawn :), and into ones that will provide families with things that they not only want but might need to survive!

I urge you all to also participate in at least one charity event this Christmas. These events are all around you.....just pick the one that fits best for you & your family!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stretched too thin!!!

Why does it always seem when you travel on the holidays or any other time to see family, that you feel stretched by both arms. There is never enough time to see everyone, or even spend quality time with the ones you want to see. We drove twelve hours from Alabama to Miami to surprise our in-laws for Thanksgiving, as I prepare our bags for tomorrow and that twelve hour drive lingers in my mind. I begin to wonder why did I decide this would be a good idea for only a few days. Then I remember my inlaws faces when we showed up & the excited call we got from Javier's brother and our sister-in-law! Of course it is all well worth it when I snuggle my twin nephews into my neck & give them as many kisses as possible! So tomorrow we make the twelve hour treck....UGH! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays!

So my hubby and I always get into this discussion around this time of year. After Halloween and before Thanksgiving, I typically say Happy Holidays to the people I meet or run into when out and about. I think that includes Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now after Thanksgiving I give the Lord all the glory by proudly saying Merry Christmas to anyone in sight. Does it bother anyone else that we have become so politcally correct and so far off of our biblical base, that the media can not pronounce the Christ filled holiday as Christmas? We are such a busy society that Christ is getting "X"ed out of it everywhere. Especially when writing email messages from a blackberry or typing your update status on facebook. I hope that during this holiday season that people will realize that Jesus is the reason for the season & they will spell out those few extra letters to make it clear that Christ is the reason for Christmas!

I love Christmas so much! I even taught myself, with the help of youtube, to make beautiful bows just like my mom. So I got really excited and wrapped the presents that I have, which is all but three, and quickly decorated them with my mad bow making skills. After that I got the energy to get my tree up, simply because I like to enjoy it as long as possible. Some people think that I am weird, but I really do love Christmas that much!
Here is the website for the bow making,

As for the shopping. I am way OCD, and typically have most if not all of my shopping done by Thanksgiving. A few reasons for this...1. people are so grumpy when they shop in a rush & I think the Christmas spirit gets lost in it all....2. my hubby's side of the family is very difficult to buy for, so if I get an idea no matter what time of year it is, I purchase the item...3. my hubby kind of has that all too common Christmas money meltdown, so now he has it at Thanksgiving instead of Christmas. My family along with many of my friends will tell you...that it is just because I am way to organized for my own good, and this too has a little bit of truth!

One that note have a happy turkey day & good luck with your Christmas shopping the day after.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It is all so exhausting!!!

I only have a few followers, but my sister frankly informed me that I needed to be better about updating this blog...oh and not be so depressing all the time. I must admit that it is hard to share stories of unexplained infertility & not be depressing. My actual mental state is fairly positive considering the circumstances, but the subject will stop a conversation in it's tracks.

I am a planner. I think it is a trait that I 100% inherited from my mother. So, in order for me to have a positive outlook, I have to plan. So our fertility plan is going, but going slowly. This past week I received an outpatient lapro for endometriosis. They only found a little bit and were able to cut it out with only one incision. My doctor continues to be very positive, and for this I am very thankful! I am confident with our plans to attempt conceiving through clomid and then the last few months we are in AL to try a fertility treatment known as IUI. This treatment is basically a turkey baster procedure & will only require clomid and my normal ovulation cycle. After these treatments, we will have our next assignment and we will 100% devote our efforts to the adoption process.

So, as the holiday season begins, I am happy to admit that I am comfortable and at peace with the plans that we have made for our family through God's grace and love. I know in my heart that God will bless Javier and I with a baby, and in our heart of hearts it doesn't matter if this child is conceived by us. We are thankful for the journey God has presented us, and we will gladly continue on his journey to give us the life that he has planned out! My new goal is to not only speak or write these words, but to walk the walk. By this I mean that I will work daily on lifting my desires up to God & accepting with love and admiration the path he chooses for Javier and I. All the while praising him, and loving him even more. He did after all give his only son for our sins, so in the grand scheme of things it seems like a small gesture on my part. In all things God is Good & God is Good in all things!

So, brings the holiday season, which normally magnifies my longing for a baby. This holiday season, and I say holiday because it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, brings forth hope for Javier and I. We have too many blessings to count. God has blessed us with each other, a roof over our head, food of plenty, and the ability to help those in need. This Christmas we choose to concentrate on the family that we currently have, and look forward to spending time in Indiana with my sister, brother in law, precious niece, mom, and a dear friend of the family. We also hope to get to Miami to visit our sweet little nephews, sister in law, brother, and Javier's parents within the new year. We find such joy in shopping for little trinkets for the niece and nephews that God has so graciously blessed us with, and we continue to be thankful that their parents allow us to be such an important part of their lives.

This Christmas we will concentrate on the birth of our dear Lord Jesus Christ and all that is involved with that incredible journey. I ask those of you who are following along this journey with me, to take some time this holiday season and put Christ first and foremost in your life & the rest will fall into place.

Happy Thanksgiving.......