Monday, October 12, 2009

Round 2

Well, My friend came to visit this weekend. I had been spotting for a few days, and kind of felt like it was coming. The good news is that we can try the clomid again this coming month. I have began to eliminate things from my life, that might help in the whole pregnancy process. So caffeine is gone & so is alcohol ... at least for the time being. I will continue to workout & try to keep my mind on other things. xoxo

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Waiting Game!

So we got the call from the doctor, that we did in fact ovulate. Of course we kind of alreayd knew that since the ever famous smiley face. So now we wait. This is my least favorite time, because it seems as if it takes forever for two weeks to pass. Not only that any ache or pain, your mind starts playing tricks on you. So I am trying to stay busy, and be easy on the workout until we know for sure. Unfortunately, I won't share any good news until we know we are safe but I will still blog about general stuff! BTW....Happy Fall everyone! Ciao, JoRie