Since a few of my friends on facebook say they keep track of my life through this blog, I thought I might better get on it & post a new blog. We had the most amazing Christmas in Indiana with my sister, brother in law, niece, mom, and grandma Vick (a friend of the family). It is so awesome to be able to spend time with family during the holidays and this year we were blessed to be with both our families on at least one holiday.
Javier is back in school, and studying really hard. I am really hoping to move forward with my dissertation. My proposal is in the hands of my two committee members after being approved by my mentor. Once the entire committee approves the proposal, I will then submit the IRB application which lawfully gives me the permission to move forward with my research. I really hope to complete the IRB application this quarter & get my research done and written next quarter. My goal is to be completely done with my dissertation by the summer.
Speaking of summer....we are anxiously awaiting our new assignment (the place we move next). We should find out end of Feb or sometime in March. We are so gracious for what God has provided so far, that we completely trust he will put us in a great place where our family can prosper through the Glory of God.
As for the fertility stuff....well we are still working on that, but continue to put it completely in God's hands. Thank you for all your prayers and support through the process, it really means the world to us.
For now that get's you updated. Happy Late New Year & Happy early Valentines Day! LOL
How to Identify Iron in Well Water
1 week ago